This morning I read an email from Barbara Huson who said “Impossible simply means it’s not a priority. Everything is possible once you make it a priority.” My first reaction, was “No Way!” But as I meditated on this thought, I realized that is true. For example, many of us say we can’t save money. But, are we making it a priority. When we start paying ourselves by putting it away in a savings account and do this routinely, it becomes a priority and we start seeing results. The same is true for me and exercising. I “don’t get in shape” until I decide to sign up for the exercise class, put it on my calendar (I’m now committed) and go to the class. Along with exercising, I am more aware of what I’m eating, less sugar, more greens, and I start losing weight. I’m making it a priority. What do you need to make a priority in your life?