Did you know that the most important part of being able to achieve your money goals requires having the right mindset? Attaining the right mindset to build wealth means working on the way you think, your discipline, maybe getting uncomfortable, and doing what it really takes to get to your end goal.
The first question you may have is, “What is Money Mindset and how do I create it?”
Money mindset means being intentional with your money, both spending and saving it. To develop a positive money mindset includes developing habits that work for you and reflect what you’re trying to achieve with your money.
These money habits are unique for each individual. What’s most important is practicing your money habits consistently.
I’d like to share 8 tips to help you create your positive money mindset. I use these both for myself and with my clients to go from “I’m no good at managing my money” to “I am confident in managing my finances.”
I used to believe I couldn’t manage my money (only because that was the story I was told by my ex)! Since then, I’ve turned that negative thinking into a powerful, positive money mindset, and you can too! Here’s how to start:
- Decide to be financially successful – Making up your mind that you are going to be wealthy means committing to the journey and trusting the process.
- Determine your life values – This is your “why”, your reason for wanting financial success. Your values drive your purpose and help develop your motivation.
- Get comfortable with your fears – The thing about fear is you have two choices: let it keep you stuck, or embrace fear as part of the journey and don’t allow it to hold you back. Remember your “why” and recognize that for every fear there is at least one action (even if small) you can take to counter the fear. Before you know it, you’ll have made progress.
- Express gratitude – It’s a great way to adjust what you focus on, all the good that has come to you. Gratitude also drives contentment in your life so you’re less likely to spend, spend, spend!
- Use affirmations to improve your money mindset – Practicing positive affirmations can reprogram your brain. So using affirmations will improve your outlook and give you a healthy money mindset. Consider some of the following:
- Money is a tool that can change my life for the better.
- My finances don’t scare me because I have a plan.
- I am on the path to a wealthy life.
- I have the power to be a financially successful person.
- I believe in my ability to earn more money.
- My future self will thank me for saving money.
- I am happy when I spend my money with intention.
6. Don’t dwell on your past financial mistakes – Why? Failure is the path to success. Use your mistakes to learn from and grow as a person.
7. Let go of limiting money beliefs – Write down some big goals and set your sights high. Also use your daily money affirmations to bust through those old beliefs.
8. Get help with money mindset coaching! Join my Financially Free Women Group Coaching program and you’ll have wonderful accountability partners. (Reply for the details)
Developing a positive money mindset is the first step to implementing financial self-care and putting you on the path to becoming financially free.