“Perfectionism will keep you cramped and insane your whole life.” Anne Lamott
The road to hell is paved by perfectionists working with grains of sand. Uh-oh…missed a spot! Like workaholism, aspiring to be LIttle Miss Perfect is an addiction of low-self-worth. When we were young, nothing we did was ever good enough, so we just kept on doing until doing was all we could do. When doing more and more didn’t make a difference, we thought if we did our work perfectly we’d hit the mark. When we did, others sang our praises, and since the response was wonderful, we wanted to repeat the experience, so we committed to doing everything perfectly – setting in motion a cycle of self-destruction.
Are you a perfectionist? I am a recovering perfectionist. I am developing a greater sense of self worth not dependent on the approval of others. I am learning that my sanity is much more important than the subtle nuances. Does it really matter if I dust every week, or vacuum daily, or iron my sheets, or match my purse to my shoes, or have 10 shades of lipstick for every imaginable outfit, or set the perfect table? Seriously I know people who do this and I used to, too! I realized life is too short and I’m going to live in the moment, enjoy life, and appreciate the beauty and people in my life. I cherish and give gratitude for the small events daily, the smile from my daughter, the laughter with a friend, ability to work out (even if I can’t keep up with the 30 year olds).
I suggest you get a small hour glass and set it somewhere prominent in your house. Turn it and see how fast the grains of sand flow. These are the minutes of your life. Live them or Pave with them. Everyday it’s your call!